Neon Yellow Nails With a Blue Glitter Accent Nail
Neon Yellow Nails

I think that I have already mentioned once or twice that I am so not over the 2012 summer neon craze. I can’t get enough of these vibrant colors. They are so much fun to work with and even better to wear.
When I started thinking about my next nail art design I knew that I wanted it to pop which led me to neon yellow and then with a little more thought the blue glitter just popped onto my ring finger. I love it!
I have also done some other color combinations. At the end of this neon yellow nails video tutorial you will see more color combos. I hope that this helps you get some more ideas for colors to do on your own nails.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding my neon nails with a blue glitter accent nail video!
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